by Julianna Hunt on Dec 6, 2018 10:19:00 AM

Review the 2019 APA Seminar Schedule to Plan Your Chapter Events

2019 Calendar

Before finalizing your 2019 chapter events calendar or booking any meeting venues, it’s important to review APA’s Seminar Schedule. This will help ensure the timing of your chapter’s events follows the Chapter Event Guidelines.

The guidelines state both regular chapter meetings and chapter one-day events may not be held within 30 days of an APA seminar on a similar topic in the same city as the chapter. The APA has established these guidelines to better serve its local chapters and ensure their success.

For example, on August 15 APA will be hosting the “Garnishments Forum” seminar in San Francisco, CA. The local chapter in San Francisco should not hold a meeting or event on the topic of Garnishments between July 15 – September 15, but it may hold meetings on different topics during this time.

Chapter one-day events may not be held within 15 days of APA’s Congress, and Statewide or Regional meetings may not be held in the same month as APA’s Annual Congress, typically May.

To review the 2019 APA Seminar Schedule, click the link below:

2019 APA Seminar Schedule

Please post any questions in the comments section below.

Topics: Chapter Guidance & Resources