by Julianna Hunt on Jul 25, 2019 9:59:00 AM

Network Virtually with Chapter Presidents During the Upcoming #APAChapters Chat

Join us on Thursday, August 15, at 3:00pm ET for an #APAChapters Chat! Region 9 Advisor, Tim Walstrum, CPP, and Region 4 Advisor, Christine Ness, CPP, will lead the hour-long online discussion on "Leading with Chapter Presidents."

All Chapter Presidents are invited to log on to Twitter and network with their peers as we discuss the following questions:

Q1. What chapter are you with and how long have you been the Chapter President?

Q2. How does your chapter recruit members to committees and/or leadership roles?

Q3. What is your process for leadership training and knowledge transfers? Twitter-1

Q4. How do you engage and motivate your chapter leaders?

Q5. What are your chapter’s strategies for membership growth/retention and keeping meetings relevant?

Q6. What is a chapter goal you’d like to achieve and what steps are you taking to towards it?

Q7. What is the biggest challenge your chapter has overcome and how did you do it?

Q8. What kind of events does your chapter host and what responsibilities do each of the chapter officers have to help organize them?

Q9. What type of insurance does your chapter carry and why? Is it required in your state?

Q10. Does your chapter have a financial document process for officers to verify a balanced budget? If yes, what is it?

To join the conversation, use our chatroom portal on Twchat or participate through your Twitter account by following along with #APAChapters and including the hashtag in your tweets. If you are new to using TwChat, check out this helpful guide.

Topics: Chapter Guidance & Resources