by Julianna Hunt on Apr 12, 2018 10:57:00 AM

Meet Region 8 Board of Advisor: LaTisha O’Neal, CPP

LaTisha O’Neal, CPP, is President of the Northeastern Oklahoma Chapter and Region 8 Advisor. She serves as the liaison between APA and local chapters in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.

Learn more about LaTisha O’Neal, CPP, with this exclusive Q&A session! 

What were your thoughts when you were asked to serve on the Board of Advisors?

When I was asked to serve I was shocked and surprised. I have heard others say the sameO'Neal_L thing but I never imagined I would be asked to serve at this level. I enjoyed working with the chapter leaders and the other advisors. The exchange of thoughts and ideas was electrifying.

What are some of the struggles you have experienced and overcome as an advisor?

My biggest struggle was getting out of my own way. I was frankly overwhelmed to work with other advisors and officers. I have looked up to many of them over the years. The other advisors, officers, and APA staff were so supportive, I was able to open up and contribute.

Tell us about a fond memory you have made with your region during your term on the Board of Advisors.

My first conference call with my region is my fondest memory. I had been on previous calls as a chapter officer where the attendees were a little quiet so I was afraid I would hear crickets. Boy, was I wrong! We had a wonderful and lively conversation about changes and issues the chapters were facing.

What is some advice you would like to give to the chapters in your region?

Stay in touch with other chapters in your area and learn from each other. It is so easy to become wrapped up in day to day work and the responsibilities of life. Proactively reach out to them to discuss ideas and issues you are experiencing. 

What question do you get the most from your region and what is your response?

The most common question I get is “Who do I need to reach out to at APA to answer a question or solve a problem?” I understand it can be confusing to determine who to reach out to, but that is one of the reasons the Board of Advisors exist! We are here to be that go-between for the chapters and APA national.

What do you like most about serving on the Board of Advisors?

I enjoy meeting and helping payroll professionals in a different part of the country. It is comforting for them to know there are others who have the same struggles. I also value my time spent working with the other advisors at the Summer Board Meeting. Working with them to bring ideas and recommendations to APA was exciting and rewarding.

What were you surprised to learn about the chapters in your region?

I was surprised to find how similar they are to the chapters in my area. We may be in different industries or areas of the country, but as chapter leaders we all face similar obstacles and issues.  It was exciting to share ideas.

Are you a proud chapter leader in Region 8? Introduce yourself to LaTisha in the comments below or send her an email.

LaTisha O’Neal began her 2-year term as the Region 8 Board of Advisor in May 2016. 

Topics: Board of Advisors