by Julianna Hunt on Jul 9, 2020 9:15:00 AM

Learn the Secrets to Successful Chapter Study Groups

Join us Thursday, July 16, at 3:00pm ET for an online #APAChapters discussion on creating "Successful Chapter Study Groups."

During this hour-long discussion, chapter leaders will have an opportunity to share the benefits of having a study group, discuss best practices, and explore new ideas for successful exam preparation.

The #APAChapters chat will be led by two experienced study group coordinators: Cindy Cichosz, CPP of the Greater Milwaukee Chapter, and Ronn Gilson, CPP of the Utah Valley Chapter of the APA.

Cindy Cropped     Ronn Cropped

Start preparing your responses now for the following questions we’ll be discussing:

Q1. In what ways have study groups benefited your chapter?

Q2. What factors should be considered when planning in-person study sessions VS virtual study sessions?

Q3. What resources have you found to be the most useful for study groups?

Q4. How do you recruit instructors and attendees for study groups?

Q5. What training or guidance do you provide study group instructors?

Q6. What different teaching methods do you use for study groups? For example, do you incorporate games?

Q7. How do you minimize study group expenses, and what do you typically charge for attendance?

Q8. How do you help study group participants mentally prepare for the exam?

Q9. How do you follow-up with participants who take the exam? Do you recognize or celebrate newly certified members?

Q10. What first steps should chapters take if they want to start hosting study groups and what advice do you have for chapters new to study groups?

To join the conversation, use our chatroom portal on Twchat or participate directly through your Twitter account by following along with #APAChapters and including the hashtag in your tweets.

We’ll see you online!

Topics: Study Groups, Chapter Guidance & Resources