by Sondra Dougherty, CPP on Sep 5, 2017 12:02:00 PM

Four Points to Consider when Recruiting Chapter Officers

Managing a chapter requires a lot of responsibility and finding amazing individuals to handle chapter duties can be difficult. It may seem daunting at first to select chapter officers but with these four points, you will have hard-working chapter officers in no time.

  1. Begin early in the year to identify individuals that could be a good fit for the officer position. Think about the leadership talents, skills of current members, and how he/she could benefit the organization. Encourage specific individuals through personalized contact to consider running for an officer position.
  1. Before beginning the recruitment process, make sure you have an updated board member job description and a board member letter of agreement. An up-to-date job description informs prospective board members of their roles and responsibilities. The letter of agreement helps them understand exactly what is expected of a board member with your organization. Try using the Local Chapter Guide and refer to the Local Chapter Resources page on the APA website to make a cheat sheet for the chapter officer job description!


  1. Establish policies regarding term limits, conflicts of interest, the process and criteria for re-nomination to the board, and removing a board It’s important to stress to potential chapter officers that they should not accept a leadership position unless they fully understand the responsibilities. This will provide them an appropriate time to commit. 
  1. Pick the individual who will best represent your chapter. Your chapter is an amazing creation that embodies the chapter members’ payroll spirit. You’ll want someone to share their passion for learning and encourage the chapter members to expand their education.
If you have questions or would like further advice about obtaining outstanding chapter officers, please submit a question through CHAMPS or post in the comments below!

Topics: CHAMPS, Chapter Guidance & Resources