by Julianna Hunt on Jul 5, 2018 1:51:44 PM

Chapter Event Guidelines FAQ

There is a lot to consider and remember when planning a chapter event. Plan your next event confidently and successfully with the help of these frequently asked questions about the Chapter Event Guidelines:

7.10 FAQ


What are the chapter event categories and how do they differ?

 There are three types of chapter events: Study Groups, One-Day Events, and Statewide or Regional Meetings.

 A Study Group is an instructional course designed to cover the knowledge, skills, and abilities listed within the content outline of the CPP/FPC exams. This course can range from a one-day session to multiple sessions over several weeks.

 A Chapter One-Day Event is a single-day chapter event outside of a regular chapter meeting, usually a special celebration or educational session. Chapter One-Day Events can range from 4-8 hours in length.

A Statewide or Regional Meeting is a conference organized by one or more chapters, in the same state or region. A Statewide or Regional Meeting can range from 1-3 days or no more than 72 consecutive hours.


How do I register a chapter event?

Registration forms for chapter events and study groups can be found on “Register/Find a Chapter Event” page of the APA website. Chapters must be currently affiliated with APA to access these forms.

Chapter Study Groups, One-Day Events, and Statewide or Regional Meetings must be registered at least 30-90 days in advance to allow time for processing and shipping of complimentary materials.

When registering Chapter One-Day Events and Statewide or Regional Meetings, keep in mind that these events may not be held within 30 days of APA’s Annual Congress or an APA seminar on a similar topic in the same city as the chapter.


What support does APA provide for chapter events?

Study Group support includes:

  • One copy of the Payroll Source Online® for a CPP Study Group*
  • One Payroll Practice Fundamentals e-book for an FPC Study Group*
  • Knowledge Assessment Calculator (if requested)
  • Free publicity on APA’s website

*must have 10 or more participants to receive free copy of text

One-Day Event support includes:

  • A certificate for one copy of the Payroll Source Online® for a giveaway/door prize
  • APA Education and Publications Toolkit brochures
  • PAYTECH samples

Statewide and Regional Meeting support includes:

  • A certificate for one discounted Congress registration for a giveaway/door prize
  • A certificate for one free APA webinar for a giveaway/door prize
  • Discounted APA membership to statewide attendees
  • Waived speaker fee for one NSB Speaker or APA National Representative
  • Free publicity on APA’s website
  • A mailing list of APA members in the Statewide or Regional Meeting’s service area

Chapters may request a mailing list with the emails and addresses of national APA members in their area for one-time event marketing use. A mailing list can be requested up to twice a year, with one additional request allowed per Statewide or Regional Meeting. The Mailing List Request Form can be found on the “Grow Your Chapter” page of the APA website.


How do I request RCHs for a chapter event?

Chapters must submit an RCH Program Application to the Certification Department 30 days prior to the start of the event to request RCHs for an event or study group. The application can be found on the “Grow Your Chapter” page of the APA website and should be emailed to


How do I request a speaker for a chapter event?

Chapters must submit the National Representation Request Form to APA’s Speaker Administration department 90 days before the event. The form can be found on the “Grow Your Chapter” page of the APA website and should be emailed to

Chapters may request a specific National Speakers Bureau member or topic, however, speakers are chosen at APA’s discretion. A list of NSB members and topics can be found on the “Grow Your Chapter” page of the APA website.


What are the guidelines for chapter event marketing?

All marketing materials (including brochures, websites, save-the-date announcements, emails, advertising, etc.) must prominently display the APA logo, APA tagline, and a link to APA’s website. See the Chapter Marketing Guidelines for more information and examples. The Chapter Relations department must receive copies of all marketing outreach upon distribution.


Is our chapter required to submit anything after an event?

Chapters must submit an attendee list in Excel format to Chapter Relations within 30 days after the last day of the event or study group. The list must contain:

a. Chapter Affiliation e. Company Name i. Zip
b. APA ID# f. Street Address k. Phone
c. First Name g. City l. Email
d. Last Name h. State m. Number of RCHs awarded


For the full Chapter Event Guidelines, see pages 13-19 of the Local Chapter Guide.

Topics: Chapter Guidance & Resources